Periodontics in Lancaster

Benefits of Periodontics Near Me

Periodontal therapy gives you a few different options for how your gum disease gets treated. Periodontal disease is inflammation and infection of the various structures surrounding the teeth. Gingivitis is its earliest stage, and it only gets worse from there.

Periodontal disease is harmful not just to your oral health but to other systems within your body. If you are part of the estimated 47.2% of adults (age 30 or over) who have periodontal disease, you have treatment options available. Let's go over some of the surgical and non-surgical options you have as well as address some of the benefits of getting treatment.

Non-Surgical Periodontics Near Me

Here at Red Oak Smile Center, we often look to non-surgical, less-invasive options first. A method called scaling and root planing allows Dr. Sadeddin to clean in between your teeth and gums, getting all the way down to the roots. Scaling is pretty similar to what is done during a routine dental cleaning. It simply involves getting rid of built-up tartar and plaque. Dr. Sadeddin will use a scaler to get in below your gum-line for a serious deep cleaning.

Root planing basically takes it to the next level of cleaning. It smooths out those rough edges of the roots where bacteria likes to linger. This creates a clean surface where your gums can heal and reattach themselves to the teeth.

Typically, patients need just one round of scaling and root planing. However, in some more severe cases, patients have needed to take antibiotics or go the surgical route.

Surgical Periodontics Near Me

Sometimes, surgery is necessary as a form of gum disease treatment. Surgery is recommended for people who have deep pockets forming between their gums and teeth, loose teeth, or severe gingivitis. It might also be necessary for those who experience pain while chewing or have severely receded gums.

Surgery can require that you stop taking certain medications a few weeks in advance (such as blood thinners and pain relievers). Dr. Sadeddin might ask you to take some antibiotics pre-surgery to lower the risk of infection. Generally, you can expect to be given sedatives, so you'll need someone to drive you home.

The procedure itself can take one of several forms. Flap surgery is common and involves Dr. Sadeddin making a series of small cuts to lift the tissue back and deeply clean underneath it. At the end, he will suture your gums back together.

Bone grafting can be necessary in cases where disease has caused tooth decay. The rotted area can be replaced with a graft taken either from a small part of your own bone, a donated bone, or a synthetic bone. This can save the tooth and provoke bone regrowth.

Guided tissue regeneration (placing a tiny piece of material between your gum and tooth in order to promote bone regrowth), soft tissue grafts, and a protein-packed gel applied to tooth rot are also forms of surgical treatment Dr. Sadeddin may perform.

Periodontal Disease Risks and Benefits of Gum Disease Treatment

Periodontal disease becomes more likely the older you get. Risk factors for developing it — aside from age — include family history, smoking, poor oral hygiene, having crooked teeth, underlying immuno-deficiencies, defective fillings, and long-term use of medications that cause dry mouth. The good news is that the sooner you intervene the easier it can be to treat.

The most obvious benefit is getting a beautiful smile. But you can also experience fresh breath, get a lot of built-up tartar removed, and even find out whether you might have underlying health problems contributing to your periodontal disease. This info can help the rest of your healthcare team find the right diagnosis and treatment method for underlying issues, thereby giving you a better chance of not having your periodontal disease flare up again.

After your treatment, it is essential to conduct routine oral hygiene. You might also need to come back and see Dr. Sadeddin; he will want to check for gum recession and pocket depth, check out your gum tissue, and clean your teeth. When you are ready, contact Red Oak Smile Center, serving Lancaster, TX, to schedule your gum disease treatment.