Invisalign in Lancaster

Everything You Need to Know About Invisalign Near Me

Misaligned teeth, such as overbites, underbites, and gaps, send 10 million people to a dentist each year. Many of them are choosing Invisalign clear aligners over traditional braces. Our staff at Red Oak Smile Center invites you to consider clear aligners for your orthodontic needs.

What Is Invisalign?

This is a system of clear aligners that realign your crooked teeth. At our office, Dr. Sadeddin scans your teeth and creates a progressive dental realignment plan using computer-aided projections. Then, our team of dental professionals prints your aligners from an FDA-approved material before performing a final fitting for a comfortable fit.

Some Benefits of Invisalign Near Me

These clear orthodontics have many benefits including:

  • Discreet, nearly invisible dental realignment
  • Correction for overbite, underbite, and gaps
  • No dietary restrictions
  • No wires or gumbands to maintain
  • Hassle-free dental hygiene
  • Dental realignment for patients ages six and older

Enjoy the Foods You Love With Invisalign

These convenient dental appliances allow you to eat without restriction. Quickly remove them and eat what you’re craving. When you’ve enjoyed your meal, put them back in. It’s that easy.

Minimal At-Home Care Requirements for Invisalign Near Me

Dr. Sadeddin loves teaching about clear aligner care because they allow you to thoroughly care for your teeth. There are no wires or gum bands to keep you from your daily brushing and flossing routine.

Daily Wear Time for Invisalign Aligners

Unlike traditional braces, you can remove clear aligners for eating, dental hygiene, and other activities. While your prescription for 22 hours per day might sound challenging, consider the minimal time it takes to eat or brush your teeth.

Are Invisalign Aligners Uncomfortable or Painful?

When you see us for these clear orthodontics, you’ll receive a new set of aligners every two weeks, which results in a very gradual change. While they might feel a little uncomfortable, your aligners should never be painful.

Invisalign Near Me Requires Less Time Than Traditional Braces

Since these clear aligners are frequently updated to reflect your changing smile, straightening your teeth takes much less time than it does with traditional braces. Our patients often complete this treatment in a year or less.

Another way that these clear aligners save you time is during each appointment. While your appointments are every two weeks, each appointment doesn’t last long. You can stop in quickly during your lunch hour or after school.

Am I Too Old for Invisalign?

No. Anyone age six and older can get clear aligners. So, if you’ve always wanted to do something about your overbite or crooked teeth, clear orthodontics is a convenient, discreet way to treat yourself to a new smile.

Experience the Difference Invisalign Near Me Can Make

If you’re wondering how clear aligners can straighten your smile, we’re here to help you. Dr. Sadeddin can perform a comprehensive evaluation and answer all of your questions. Call, email, or book an appointment online at our Red Oak, TX office today.