Dental Crowns

Are you looking for ways to improve your smile? If so, you are not alone. According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, approximately half of Americans are not happy with their smiles. The good news is that there are cosmetic dentistry options such as dental crowns that correct crooked, gapped, stained, or imperfect teeth, enhancing your smile and improving your dental health. You'll love the incredibly natural looking and feeling results.


Are you looking for ways to improve your smile? If so, you are not alone. According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, approximately half of Americans are not happy with their smiles. The good news is that there are cosmetic dentistry options such as dental crowns that correct crooked, gapped, stained, or imperfect teeth, enhancing your smile and improving your dental health. You'll love the incredibly natural looking and feeling results.

Dental Crowns

Both crowns are dental restorations that work by adding a covering to an existing tooth to improve its function or appearance. Also known as a cap, a crown is a restoration that fully encases the visible portion of a tooth known as the tooth crown, making it durable and resistant to cracking or damage.

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are commonly used to protect and strengthen cracked, broken, or damaged teeth, teeth with deep cavities requiring large fillings, or teeth that have undergone procedures such as root canals. A dental crown will keep a tooth intact and will prevent further damage that may lead to extraction. 

Dental crowns also serve as tooth replacements for missing teeth. They can be placed on dental implants, fully restoring a tooth's form and function. Tooth repair with dental crowns delivers durable restorations that have the potential of lasting a lifetime with proper care.

Maintaining Your
Perfect Smile

It's imperative that you care for your restorations just as you would for your natural teeth. Brush and floss regularly, and make sure to keep up with your routine dental exams and cleanings.

Refrain from biting down on hard objects or ice because these can fracture and damage your restorations along with your natural teeth. It's also a good idea to protect your mouth using a mouthguard when engaging in athletic activities, or if you grind your teeth at night, a condition known as bruxism. Caring for your restorations will allow you to enjoy a beautiful smile for years to come.

Quality Dental Crowns in Red Oak, TX

Contact Red Oak Smile Center to learn more about dental crowns and how they can restore your smile. We are committed to using the best that modern technology has to offer to deliver quality, durable restorations. We look forward to helping you look, feel, and smile your best. Call us today!

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